February 6, 2025

3 Powerful Questions To Help You Make Decisions Faster

Billy shares the three step framework that can help you make decisions faster so those biggest conundrums and most important decisions in business and life can be made methodically, quickly, and without all the stress
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 497: 3 Powerful Questions To Help You Make Decisions Faster

 ( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:17 - 01:25] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:25 - 11:37] Billy shares the three step framework that can help you make decisions faster so those biggest conundrums and most important decisions in business and life can be made methodically, quickly, and without all the stress
  •  [11:37 - 12:46] Billy wraps up the show.


Today’s Featured ‘Catch-Up’ episode:

Episode 437: 5 Surefire Signs You Need A Profitable Side Hustle: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-437-5-surefire-signs-you-need-a-profitable/id1518643887?i=1000661871117 


Sign up for Billy’s FREE course to learn how to make your corporate role optional in 5 proven phases at:  https://www.makeitoptional.com/

What you can expect to get out of this course:

  • Learn How to Achieve Financial Optionality
  • Gain True Control Over Your Career
  • Turn Corporate Skills into Personal Assets

With 26 years of experience in corporate sales leadership, achieved optionality through multiple income streams, Billy has helped dozens of executives build their paths to take control of their time.

This free course gives you everything you need to identify, plan, and take control of your career while building financial optionality, leveraging your skills, and start living your IDEAL day - today!

Go to: https://www.makeitoptional.com/  

To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


How to leave a review for The Going Long Podcast: https://youtu.be/qfRqLVcf8UI  


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  0:01  

Three powerful questions to help you make decisions faster. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. Three powerful questions to help you make decisions faster, is absolutely for you. If you are a classic overthinker perfectionist, or someone like me, recovering perfectionist that wants to be able to save time, that is what this entire episode is about. Is going to be about, and I'm going to share it with you, because if you fit into one of these categories, you are someone who has spent a lot of time in the corporate life, or you're beginning to build your business, and you're starting to realize that, very similar to what the Harvard Business Review understood in a in an article that they published back in 2023 the average human, average adult. Let me say the average adult. You know how many different decisions you make on a day to day basis, between 33 and 35,000 decisions per day, not per year, not per week per day. 33 to 35,000 decisions a day that are made. What I want to be able to do here is help you to start to save time, and also be able to help you conserve your energy and use it where you're getting the highest return. Because when you're in a corporate role, when you're a really busy person and working to be instead of busy, and working on busyness, working to be productive, creating more outputs than ours, because that's where your focus is. That's what I want to be able to help you with today. So in near you're probably a lot like me, like you want to be able to get everything right all the time. Well, I'm here to tell you that even though that's what you really want to do on the outside, I know and those that know you closest know that you really want to be able to get to a point where you can make decisions faster, take action faster, because you know that you're going to have to validate the idea anyway. So it's the thing that takes the most time, is actually getting to whether or not you invest more time in you overthink the decisions that you're supposed to be making, right? There's always something else. So I'm going to give you a very simple three step framework, three very simple questions that are going to help you break through. Go to a to allow you to get to making decisions faster, so that you can figure out what needs to be adjusted along the way. Because I can tell you, you are going to have to adjust something perfect. Decisions made perfectly don't exist. Sorry to, uh, sorry to ruin the parade. Sort of speak, as I say so, every single day, you're making so many decisions. Each one of these decisions that you're making, you may not even feel it towards the beginning of the day, but have you ever feel like you get towards the end of the day and you are just exhausted? You're like, oh my gosh, my brain feels like mush. Why? Well, it's because when you started full of energy, because hopefully you got a good night's sleep last night, but you get up this morning, you're full of energy. And guess what that first decision you're making is, and I really hope that it's not you, but are you hitting the snooze? Don't do that. Get up. Get moving, right? But every single time you make a decision, are you snoozing? Are you getting up? That's a decision. Are you walking on the right foot first or the left foot first? That's another decision. So many different things that you're not even thinking about. We haven't even gotten to you making a decision about what you're going to do on the client contract, or what you're going to do about your quarterly business review, or, heaven forbid, what you're going to be doing at the at the kickoff meeting. All of these are other decisions that need to be made as well. And by the way, you've got this little side business on this on the side, or you want to get that up, you want to get it moving. And there's even more decisions that you're going to want to make at that point in time, right? And I talk about the I talk about the the side business, because I'm sure that if you've got these five surefire signs that I've talked about in episode 437, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, if you're in corporate, you're busy and you have this desire that you want to be able to build a profitable side business. Go check out episode 437 because it's definitely going to help you a lot. So if you're making these decisions like the average adult, as this Harvard Business Review article stated that you're in that 33 to 35,000 a day, you're an overachiever, I'm going to make the assumption that you're making 35,000 decisions a day, because everybody's coming to you. You're the reliable one. You're the one that's going to give the right input. And this is why you're here, because this framework, this simple three step framework, is going to help you save loads of time by asking three answering these three powerful questions, because they're going to help you make the decisions faster. And so when you get to a point where you're looking for that proof of concept, because, you know, I like to talk about that a lot, you think about people like the late Steve Jobs. Think about, just give you a simple example, like he had a framework, and he went through his framework, and he realized that one of the ways he was going to help to save the maximum amount of brain power to make decisions that were highly. Impactful is he did something very simple, like wearing the same clothes every day, or what looked like the same clothes. It wasn't the same clothes every day, but he bought 1000s of black T shirts, 1000s of black pants or blue jeans. Or someone like Mark Zuckerberg did a very, very similar thing. Or even nowadays, a guy named Dan Martell, he does the same thing. He's got the famous blue shirt, and he's got black pants, whatever, but they're buying 1000s of the same shirt and pants, and they don't have to think about it anymore, because they realize the importance of decision fatigue and what happens when you're making certain decisions every single day. I'm not going to talk to you about making the which kind of clothes you wear, the things that I want to help you tackle today are the big decisions that you're making in your life. The big decisions, not when you get out of bed or when you're doing this, or when you're going there, how you're brushing your teeth. No, I'm talking more about the big decisions that you are going to make in your life, because when you were making these big decisions are, when are you going to start your side business? Do you take the next promotion? Are you going to move across the globe with your family? These types of decisions, just to give you an idea of the category decisions that this powerful framework, with these three powerful questions, are going to help you, right? So let's jump into the questions. So let's say you're, you're and I'll just use the example you're thinking about starting your your side business, and you've decided that that side business is going to be one where you decide to either invest or yeah, let's, let's choose that you're going to actually build a business. You're going to build an online business. Let's business, let's say and so here are the three powerful questions that I want you to go through. I want you to ask yourself, because when you follow this framework, it's going to help you realize a go. No go decision. Ultimately, it's a go, meaning, yes, invest more time, go deeper, ask more or further questions. Or, you know what these answers came back on the two out of three were no. So let's not invest more time, because it's not actually filling your bucket in terms of being able to conserve energy and being able to best leverage the energy. So let's get to the questions. The very first question is, and you're starting an online business. We're going to use that as the example. Will this online business give me positive energy? Yes or No, very simple, and it's the first thing that comes to your to your mind, is this online business that's going to help you to sell product XYZ, going to give you positive energy? Yes or No. If the answer is yes, move on. If the answer is no, also move on to question number two, but just take note that the first answer is a No. Someone else mentioned it to you. You're thinking about it. Sounds good. Is it going to give me positive energy? You know it, you don't know it. You like the the the specific industry, or the area or the product, but you come up with an answer on to question number two. How would the decision to do this particular business, online business, how's it going to expand your economy? Meaning, how is it going to help you to generate revenue? Well,

if the answer is very complex, it's not clear. Chances are, how will it do it? It's a convoluted answer. It's not crystal clear, then, is one of the things you're going to want to move on to the next thing, right? How's it going to help you to expand your economy? And then lastly, is this decision going to create the right environment for you? Meaning, when you're building an online business, is that online business something that's going to keep you away from interactions with others, or is it going to put you in your happy place? Because you don't have to see others every single day? Only you know the answer to that question. But the idea here is, and I wanted to give a very simple, brief, pithy example, which is, you want to start an online business. You've got your corporate role that's going on, and you know that you have a limited amount of time. So the first question is, is the online business going to give you positive energy? Yes. How will the decision expand your personal economy? You come up with an answer, or you can even make it simpler and say, Is it going to expand your economy? If the answer is yes, you've got two yeses. Chances are you want to explore a little bit more, even if the third response, which is, will this decision create the correct environment for you, if you like being with people, and it's going to keep you secluded all day? The answer to that question is no, but because there are two of the three that are positive or yeses, then what you're going to want to do is explore more. It's going to get you down the path. So because if two of the three would have been a no, move on to the next thing, generally speaking, because the idea here is, I want to help you, to help yourself, to save more time and make decisions faster, because don't get caught up in a fallacy. And this is one of the things that happened with me is, and I just use my own example, because when you're a perfectionist, and I'm talking to you earlier about the perfectionist, I'm now a recovering perfectionist, it is the idea of being able to say, I want to invest time on things that are going to give you a positive return on your time. If two out of the three are positive, keep moving. Ask the next level questions. If two of the three are no put it away. Move on to the next thing. It's not worth your brain power, because 67% of the very. Very simple, powerful questions. Is a no. Maybe you come up to it sometime later in your life, but don't waste time on it today, because ultimately what want to be able to do is yes, you're going to be able to get to a point where you're consistently getting to decisions, and you're making them faster, and you're conserving your energy, because you got to make 33 to 35,000 decisions a day. Don't forget that we're focusing here on that paretos law, that that 20% that are really going to move the needle, 80 of the 80% of the effort or the output that you're looking for. And so ultimately, what you're able to do is really figure out how you get to efficient decision making, and that efficient decision making is going to help you get to action or non action, so that you can continue to move forward with the things that are moving the needle, that are knocking down the big domino as much as possible, because you're going to feel this transformation that starts to happen because you're following a simple framework with three powerful questions for those decisions that need to be made that are going to impact your life or the life of your loved ones the most. So once again, just a real quick recap. The three questions are, and I'm going to make them all yes no questions, because I want to change number two, so will this x give you positive energy, yes or no, and will the decision expand your personal economy? Yes or No? Lastly, will the decision create the correct environment for you? Yes or no? These three powerful and very simple questions will help you to save time, because if two of the three are no, then don't do it. Two of the three are Yes. Continue to explore that curiosity, explore what's out there, and be able to go to the next level of question. So like I said, Is this for the classic overthinker, the classic perfectionist, recovering perfectionist, to help you save time. If this is you, listen to the episode again. If this is someone that you know, love, like or trust, share the episode with them and then get on the phone. Talk about it. Go from theory, share a specific example. I just gave you one. Share a specific example. Talk about it. Go from theory to action, to practical application of something that we're talking about. That's how you learn, that's how you apply, that's how you build your expertise while you're doing that. Guess what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna be right here. Yes, right here, preparing for the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Freedom. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it optional.com. Once again, that's make it optional.com. You

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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