September 24, 2024

3 Simple Reasons Your Side Business Is Exhausting You Now

Having a side business or side hustle running at the same time as working in a corporate role is of course a key way to fast-track your path to financial freedom. But balancing the two can lead to exhaustion… unless, of course, you truly understand the reasons this exhaustion is happening! In this new episode of The Going Long Podcast, Billy outlines the 3 simple reasons your side business is exhausting you now so that you can know what action to take and what changes to make in order to eliminate that stress and fatigue.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 458: 3 Simple Reasons Your Side Business Is Exhausting You Now

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 01:13] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:13 - 12:01] Billy shares insights into why you find yourself becoming exhausted from you side hustle, and explains the 3 simple reasons this will be happening.
  • [12:01 - 13:05] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 458_Billy Keels

Thu, Sep 19, 2024 4:51PM • 13:06


realizing, corporate, wanted, work, business, exhausting, cruise control, serve, side hustle, investing, figure, day, started, buckets, clients, side, importantly, leverage, talk, point


Three simple reasons, your side business is exhausting you. Now, today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising.


Three simple reasons, your side hustle is exhausting you now, is the thing that I want to bring to the forefront with you today. Because when you realize that there are literally three simple reasons your side business is exhausting you now, then you have the power to make the change. You have the power in your hand to figure out what it is that you want to do, what action you're going to take. Because what we want for you, what I want for you, which means I know that you want it for yourself, is that you get beyond exhaustion, and you get to a point where your side business is as much on cruise control, if not more, than the business of working in your corporate role. So what do I mean by that? And of course, I've got a story to tell you, because I've been through something similar when I was in my corporate days. Don't tell a lot of people, or maybe you will, I don't know. So here's the thing. So I think about when I was back in my day job, it was on cruise control. I would continue to overachieve against the target. And while I was in sales, enterprise software sales, I know that if you're listening here, if you've not listened here, I spent 26 years in corporate, the last 16 working for an amazing company, one that I liked very, very much and still like to this day, because I had the opportunity to learn a lot, use those skills, build relationships and be able to also those. A lot of those skills are transferable skills that I'm using even today. And so when I was at the point where my day job was on cruise control, and I'm in cruise control because I knew what leverage to pull so that I could actually over perform against the targets that the corporate machine set for me, and once I was in that position, realizing, like, Okay, listen, I've got some spare buckets of time that before I was early on in my career, I was taking on special projects, I was doing,


going to the meetings, I was going to all the dinners. And when executives would come from out of town, I would wanted to be there because I wanted to be on the front line, because I knew that that was going to help, you know, potentially in the future, if I wanted to get promotion and all that kind of good stuff. But the fact of the matter is, is I'd figured out in corporate how to be able to perform against my key performance indicators, KPIs. Some of you may have MBOs management by objectives, but the fact of the matter was, the corporate machine asked me to do something, and I was overachieving against what the machine asked me to do. And so I also realized that this side hustle that I'd had, or the side business that I'd start building, because that was around the real estate, and real estate was the thing that I really started to really have a liking for. And I realized that if I could scale this, then it would be go beyond just being like small investments, but it would become a business that I'd be able to scale. And now keep in mind, just like most people, I had this idea in my mind. I wanted to be able to retire early. Wanted to be able to have all this extra money and be able to do all this stuff with money, and at the same time, the reality was, I wanted to be able to be known as the reliable one, like dad was able to help get us to this particular point, and because of what dad was doing in the work and the hard effort, and maybe for you, it's mom or it's your nieces or your nephews, but like, that's the thing that I was really craving inside. I just wanted to be known as the reliable and the one who was actually delivering on the promise, delivering on the word, all those extra hours, all those extra flights, it was for something. And then once I got into a point where, you know, now, the the investments that I was making, started to take off, I started to be able to then have some early successes that I saw on, early on in this investing journey. And because the early part of the investing journey was was working out really well, you know, bought my first duplex, and then really quickly, bought another one,


which was a, which was a quadplex, and another fourplex. And then before I knew it, wow, like I already accomplished a goal that I'd set out to to do over five years. It only took a lot less than that, but maybe I'll come back to that. Because, more importantly, as I started making progress, as I started seeing what was happening this side business, I started realizing and started networking with people that were back in the United States, and started seeing all of these success stories of people that had actually been leaving their job. So I have these proof points of, you know, this person had been investing for two years and they left their job, and this person for 20 years, and they left their job, and I knew that I could be somewhere in between, but I saw the proof points. And so it was a matter of me continuing to take action and continuing to move forward. But there were a couple things that were holding me back. And although I was like, really crystal clear on what I wanted to do and the reason that I wanted to do it right, I think back and I talked to you about the, you know, I want, I'm the reliable one, like my sons are going to look at me and go, Dad said he was going to do this. And so.


That's what he did and and as I start realizing that was one of the things that helped to set me apart, to help push, push forward. But then there was a couple of other things that I really struggled with, right? And this is part of what when I got these things fixed, these three things, one of which I was clear on, crystal clear on why I was was doing what I was doing, but I was really struggling with time. Like I was really struggling like, in the beginning it was like I was so energized by this side business that I wanted to, like it was on my mind all night. I wake up in the morning, my brain was on fire. I wanted to figure out how we could build a business, how we could invest in more assets, how we could serve more tenants, more clients. And those were the things that was on my mind. But then I had to function at my day job, and I kind of had to, like, suppress all of these thoughts and feelings that I was having about the investing in the scaling in the business and the thing that was going to become I had to suppress that for like, 1012, hours a day. Don't tell anybody, but yeah, I worked more than eight hours a day, just like most of you,


it's okay. I know I say nine to five, but it's probably more like nine to nine, right?


Anyway, I digress. Let me bring it back. So I was strapped for time, because then afterwards I would, you know, I was at home, and I would see the family, and then after the family went to bed, and I was working more, and I really, I saw the progress, and I felt it, but I was just running out of time. It was like, if you think about kind of like sand running through your your fingers, you just can't hold on to it enough. Like, that's exactly how I was feeling. Like I just was completely strapped for time all the time. And then there was this thing of, I was afraid to reach out to and create new clients to serve, and then I kind of started doing something. And I wasn't really comfortable, because I was in corporate. I was making a lot of money. I was really visible. And it was one of these things where I couldn't actually be seen to be doing something else, although it didn't have anything to do with software sales. I mean, I was investing in real estate. I wanted to be able to serve other people, and investing in this great asset class that that I was investing in, well, I wasn't doing anything to consistently attract clients. And so when I started realizing that, Okay, hang on a second, I wanted to take a step back, because this whole side hustle, this whole side hustle, which became a side business, I was getting exhausted. And you're exhausted if you're listening to this, because you you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're there, or you've been there. You know somebody who's been there, where you start realizing that


all of these three things, like these three reasons, simple reasons that I want to talk to you about that are keeping you from like being full of energy, they're keeping you dragged down and exhausted, because you're not crystal clear on these things, and I'm going to tell you about what they are, because I kind of I got to that process because I was really fortunate. I had a company. You could probably find it online, but company early on that was, well, I was afraid to talk about what I was doing in corporate. So I created this, this company, and I started walking and talking airports. You can probably even see, like, some of the old videos on LinkedIn. Me. LinkedIn, me walking through airports and being able to talk about what I was doing, etc, etc, etc. But what I realized is, although that business didn't really work in the way that I wanted it to work, because I was afraid to do the work to make the business grow, I learned a lot of things, and we learned a lot of things as a company. So we realized what needed to be built. And so realizing that the plan needed to be to build this business was, number one, I needed to get crystal crystal clear, which I already was on why I was doing what I was doing. But then the other two things that I really needed help with was, how did I get more control over my time? Because I was strapped for time, I was not managing that one constantly depleting resource. Effectively, I was extremely I wasn't doing it in any kind of efficient way. And lastly, I needed to figure out how to consistently attract clients, because if I wanted to build a business, I needed to have clients to serve that service. Mentality, that service versus one of the things that not only is a slogan, but it's something that's real because you want to be able to serve others. And so the three simple reasons that your side business is exhausting you now because you you haven't figured out the systems to put in place to be able to, number one, be crystal clear on why you're going to do what you're doing, especially if you've got a nice, cushy corporate job where you're making mid six mid six to seven figure salaries, right? You don't get that for no reason. Secondly, figuring out how to not be strapped for time anymore, figuring out how to make that asset work for you, the in the time, the energy, the effort that you have make it work in the best possible way, and most importantly, be able to consistently attract and serve your clients. Now here's the thing. I


figured out, the path, because I wanted to be able to leave corporate, and was able to leave corporate


in my late 40s, almost 50, but in my late 40s. But more importantly, the thing that I realized is that understanding and being able to have.


Of the many lessons that I learned from these different businesses and serving and now even understanding how to help others do the same.


It's great, right? Because then you have the fixes for these three simple reasons that your side business is exhausting you now. Number one is that you get crystal clear on why you're doing what you're doing. Number two is you stop struggling with time, and you start to leverage time, especially when you're in corporate, because there's so many buckets, so so so many buckets, especially if you're in sales, oh my gosh, or sales leadership, there's a lot of buckets. I know we're chasing the number all the time. You're constantly chasing it. I was chasing you for so many years, but there are buckets of time that you can better leverage. And then lastly, put together a system to be able to attract your clients. And I say that because when you stop working behind these really big brands, and I did it for a long time, you may be in for a rude No, you will be in for a rude awakening, because that big brand that you've used to get in the door for so many years the day that you can never that you can no longer leverage that card. Guess what? Life gets real different. Trust me on that. It gets real different. So figure out what is the system that you put in place to be able to not only attract but to more effectively serve the clients that you want to be able to serve. So listen, these are three simple reasons your side business is exhausting you now. I don't want you to be exhausted anymore. I want you to fix and focus on getting clear on why you're doing what you're doing. Come up with this plan for being strapped for time, and I'm happy to share that with you. I know that I even shared that with you in previous episodes. I think you go back to Episode 402, specifically, you can find out what I talked about in more detail about the time creation, or being able to create time


for you,


but that's the thing. Get clear, get focused, take action, and most importantly, stop being exhausted with your side hustle, because it's the thing that's giving you lots of energy. I want you to continue to move forward. I want you to continue to focus, and I want you to continue to adjust along the way. I'm sure that today's episode's been helpful for you. It's giving you some new thoughts, some new ideas. And while you take these ideas, share today's episode with family, with friends, and you start to take the theory, put it into practice in your own life. And if you want to share an honest, written interview, you can do that too. I'll be here preparing for the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much.


Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising, freedom,

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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