August 27, 2024

The Best Way To Easily Eliminate Imposter Syndrome

Billy takes a close look at the common issue of imposter syndrome, the surprising root cause of it, and how you can truly eliminate it from your life.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 450: The Best Way To Easily Eliminate Impostor Syndrome

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 01:45] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:45 - 10:31] Billy takes a close look at the common issue of imposter syndrome, the surprising root cause of it, and how you can truly eliminate  it from your life.
  • [10:31 - 11:44] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 450_Billy Keels

Tue, Aug 27, 2024 12:50PM • 11:45


imposter syndrome, harvard business review, started, story, focus, talked, creating, people, goals, life, person, billy, podcast, easily, watch, eliminate, investing, continue, corporate, connect


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:00

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy forward slash advising. The best way to easily eliminate imposter syndrome is one of the things that you're going to find is not as complicated as you think. But before I even wanted to do this episode, I looked up some information around imposter syndrome, and the Harvard Business Review says 71% of people will suffer from imposter syndrome at some point in their life. Staggering statistic. The Harvard Business Review says 71% of people will suffer from posture syndrome at some point in their life. So it's absolutely no surprise or surprise to me, not a shocker. The quantity of people that I have conversations with that either come through LinkedIn, through a direct message, or people that are listening to the podcast that want to have a conversation, interested in finding out more about the advisory program. And one of the topics that, without a doubt, comes up every time is battling or dealing with imposter syndrome. And because this comes up so frequently, and it's also something that I've been through. It's something that's really easily to go through. And that's why I says when the Harvard Business Review says 71% of people will suffer from imposter syndrome at some point in in their life, like I'm getting the the I'm getting the feedback I'm seeing that this is a very real thing. So I thought I would address it here on the go along podcast with yours truly, Billy keels. And you know, if I think about even early on, especially when I started looking at creating my own business, when I was in the corporate world, I talked about, or I've talked about in the past, how I was creating time, right? I would get up at 430 in the morning without an alarm clock, by the way, but at 430 in the morning, and I would do more in the first three hours of the day than most people would do all day. But no one's bothering you. Think life was really good. I had my morning routine in in order, doing things for myself. I started focusing on, you know, creating that time, making that time as productive as possible. I, you know, at a certain point would go through, and then would get into connecting with people, reading through social media, got on LinkedIn, listening to podcasts, taking that theoretical knowledge, putting it and applying it to my life, so that we actually became practical knowledge, applicable knowledge. And then there was also this other reality, which was as I started seeing things, as I started also traveling to the US. I would meet people. I was going to events, and I would constantly see people that were what I perceived to be so far ahead. So I was, like, literally drooling over their success. And I started saying to myself, like, I really want to be like them. I want to be like them. Because they were the people that were on stage. They were the people that were walking around that had the badges that said, you know, I've got 1000s of apartments, I've got this, I've got that. Or I'd watch people. But the reality was, as I was drooling over their success, I wanted to be like them. I also wanted to just find my space, and I wanted to be comfortable in my space. And so I started watching like these are the things that this is how imposter syndrome can start to attack you, right, that you're part of that 71% because you start looking and say, there's someone on stage, or you're watching a video on social media, and this person just quit their job because they've been investing in whatever. For me, a lot of the people that I saw were investing in real estate. So the the my own story was, I would watch somebody that just quit their job because they'd invested in enough real estate and they'd created enough quote, unquote, passive income. Then I'd see the other person that has 4000 doors and they're still working in their job. And I'm like, wow, you've got 4000 doors and you're still working in a corporate role. Like I never really in the beginning, didn't understand the concept. Or I'd watch one person that would be on stage, and they just raised two, $50 million of capital. And like, there's this just part of me, like, my gosh, what? What am I not doing right? Like, how can I not be where these people are already, some of them look like they were maybe a little bit older than me in life. Others look younger, and so that creates this whole like, oh my gosh, I shouldn't be here. I'm not worthy to be here. So it seemed impossible to me. So what I started doing is I started asking more questions and started asking better questions, because the better the questions you ask, the better the probability of getting answers that are better answers are. And so what I started realizing was, as I started answering better questions, well, questions, was, you know what? There's more to these stories than just on the surface. So I started realizing these stories are really, really inspiring stories, but my story, and this is what I want you to understand, your story is unique to you. Just like my story was unique to me, because as I watched the people, whether they quit their job, they had $4,000 or they had two $50 million that they'd raised in capital, my story was unique to me. My story was different. I was a young father. I had two small kids. They're, you know, very close in age. I lived in Europe. I was investing exclusively back in the United States. I had no inheritance to come in. And the reason that I say these kinds of things is because when I started scratching below the surface, the person that had just quit their job, the person also had just inherited $3 million from an inheritance, but that wasn't part of the story. When they were on stage, the person that owned the 4000 doors didn't actually own 4000 doors. They were something called a limited partner, and they owned about 1.25% of each one of those doors. So they didn't own 4000 doors. They owned a small portion of those 4000 doors. But the story was, they owned 4000 doors, and the person that had raised $250 million worth of capital Well, they did that with 22 other people as part of a group. And so what I started realizing when I started asking better questions and I started getting more of the answers, I started realizing, okay, wow, this story is part of the story, but it's not their entire story. So that's when I started recognizing that my story was unique to me, young father, moving up the corporate ladder, living in Europe, investing back. So that was unique to me and what I had done. And so that's where I started focus on focusing on just me like it, because at the end of the day, the story is it's me versus me, just like It's you versus you. So what did I do? I sat down once I started to get this clarity, I was like, Oh my gosh, listen, I need to figure out. What are the goals that I want to be able to do? Where do I want to be able to go? And I've made no bones about it. I mean, even back in episode 409, I talked about it's not the end of the world if you miss your goals, especially if they're early retirement goals. I missed mine, but it doesn't keep me from moving forward or continuing to progress, because that's one of the things that you want to continue to do all the time. So I got clarity on my goals, I then came up with my own ambitious plan that talked about not only the number of assets that I wanted to continue to stack, and I've talked about that in previous episodes. At the same time, there was a timeline that I that I put on myself, that I wanted to be able to to leave corporate. And you know what that was? Once I got to the point where I knew that I was in a position that I could leave corporate, I wanted to make my nine to five optional. Had been made optional, and but that was one of the things that, you know, put that, that together, and then I wanted to do the work to be able to achieve that goal. So I had to become much more rigorous around the way that I was utilizing my time, using my time to be able to get to the goals. Now I will tell you that focusing on imposter syndrome and overcoming it, eliminating imposter syndrome. It wasn't something that was super, super, super simple to do, but the best way to easily eliminate imposter syndrome was the following, and hold on to your seats here it was simply to do the work and focus on you versus you, because at the end of the day, the accolades that other people have when they're on stage or that you read about on social media or that you see, number one, that's relevant for them in their life and their context. And two, there's probably more to the story that you may not see, but you know everything about you. You know everything about your context. You know about you know everything about your ability to go out and do the work. So do the work, focus on you and continue to progress. Focus on you and continue to progress, because that's the way that you do the work. Now I will tell you, imposter syndrome is something that creeps its ugly head up all the time, even today, it creeps its head up for me. And the way that I focus on getting beyond it, to easily eliminate it, is to remember that this race is a marathon number one, and it's just like It's you versus you, it's me versus me, because I need the reminder. I found, found my space. Being able to find my space, can share the space, is something that's in really, really important. Also being able to connect with others. It's one of the main reasons also to love this podcast. Get a chance to connect with so many amazing people, especially when you've got just that little inkling that you want to reach out, you want to chat. These are the kinds of things that we can talk about. We can share ideas. Sometimes it's just one idea that unlocks it in your mind, and you're able to go out and you are you're able to move forward. You realize that it's you versus you, and you're doing the work and being able to serve more people, because I'm not worried about what everybody else is. Doing. I'm worried about where I want to go, the impact that I'd like to make in doing the work in my own unique space. And so this is the best way to easily eliminate imposter syndrome, is do the work and recognize that this is a race which is you versus you. You're going to get there even if you are part of the 71% that I talked about in that Harvard Business Review. I also want you to be and to have the tools to easily eliminate impostor syndrome, and that's the best way to do it. Focus on you versus you. Continue to do the work, and you'll make the impact. So if this is not you, you're not part of the 71% or if you are, share this with somebody else, because I know you've talked to someone else about imposter syndrome. Share, share my story. I'm happy with you to share, share my story. I've been through that. It was part of my growth process. It's something that I still continue to deal with and work with, and this is how I worked through it. So I wanted to share with you, give you this really actionable tool tip so that can make things easier for you. And share today's conversation. Share the episode. If you want to reach out, you can connect. You know how to do that. We make it really easy for you. But while you take today's episode, put it into practice, I'll be here ready for another episode. So until then, I want you to go out and make it a great day. And I want to thank you very, very, very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising you.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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