The Really Revealing Reason I’m Tired Of Watching The News

Going Long Podcast Episode 498: The Really Revealing Reason I’m Tired Of Watching The News
( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )
In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:
- [00:17 - 00:50] Introduction to the show.
- [00:50 - 10:15] Billy shares the revealing reason why he’s tired of watching the news, why watching the news could be holding you back, and how you can resolve this problem while still staying abreast with important current affairs.
- [10:15 - 11:10] Billy wraps up the show.
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Episode Transcript
Billy Keels 0:00
The really revealing reason I'm tired of watching the news. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it Once again, that's make it The really revealing reason I'm tired of watching the news is meant to help you. If you feel like you are constantly stuck to every single news outlet to figure out what is happening in the world, I understand that that can get you completely exhausted by the end of the day, and this episode is specifically going to help you understand why I'm tired of watching the news, and that doesn't mean I'm uninformed, but I'm going to tell you one of the main benefits, if you just stick with me, very brief episode. And so the reason I wanted to share this is because a lot of times it people. This has happened where I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and when we were having this conversation, he asked me about a world event, this specific world event, I was not aware of what had happened, and apparently, had been going on for a couple of days, right? I want to keep it very normal, because it doesn't matter. It could be a war, it could be a presidential election, it could be something that's happening in the food contamination, whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter. So I won't really talk about what the event was, but I'm just telling you, we talked about an event, and I was not really aware of the event that had happened about three days before. And you're probably thinking, wow, that's how is that possible? Because at home, there's someone who's either watching television and it's, you know, take your pick. You're either watching news that fills your brain with things that are on the far right or on the far left and very free infrequently. Is it something that's in the middle? It doesn't matter the What does matter is I'm going to give you the really revealing reason why I'm tired of watching the news and also what I do about it, because it's really important to stay informed. I don't want you to be uninformed at all. But when you find out this really revealing reason, I know that it's going to help you, especially because you've got so much going on at the office, and you've got this passion project that you're working on and building, and you really want to take you want it to take form, which means protecting your mind, protecting what goes into your mind, is the most important thing. Because, as I mentioned before so many times, you may have grown up in a household, and you may be in that household right now, or you walk in and maybe it's not the TV like back in the day when I was growing up, but you see it streamed, or you see it live. But the idea is something is constantly being put into your mind because it's entering in a very passive way. Now, there could be the idea of, yeah, you want to consistently be consistently be informed, and I get it, or you want to stay abreast of what's happening in the world. Well, that's fine. In that's that's absolutely okay, because staying aware of what's happening in the world is something that's important. Is it the most priority item in your life, what affects you on a day to day basis? Don't know you've got the answer to that, but the reality is, is, no matter who I speak to, where they are in the world, what language they speak, every single person I've ever spoken to wants to be able to control the information, especially that is important for your growth, for your good humor and your guidance in your life. Never spoken to anyone that said that they don't want in the the inputs in their mind that help them to grow, or that helped them to have and stay in a good state of mind, or humorous or guidance, right? And the reality is, when you are a corporate exec, when you are running around in the rat race. You are bombarded all day long with information that's coming into your inbox because you are working in your role. You're working in your job, and then you know what you're usually it was, what a lot of what a lot of times people are doing. I know that this is one of the things that you are not doing, or you're struggling with it right now, and that's why I want to share this episode with you, because it's okay, right? You want to know what's going on all day long, but you also start recognizing that the information that's coming in your head when you're listening passively is usually something that's decisive, it's something that's negative, it's something that is not helping you to get to the next level of your day, and heaven forbid it's talking about wars and devastation, all that kind of stuff, right? Kind of stuff, right? Because you're looking for something different. You want to do something different. And I want to tell you that it is absolutely fine to not take in the news passively. I don't do it. I stopped doing it a long time ago. You know why? Because positive people like to stay informed about their area of expertise or the things that bring them positive energy and or passion. I'm putting my hand up if you could see the video, because that is the person that I want to continue to be, that I want to continue to feed, and I want to and will continue to grow in that direction. So how did I get to this point right where I. Stop actually passively taking in the news. Well, it's because I curate my news. I curate everything that goes into my mind, because I want it to be positive. I want it to be uplifting. I want it to be growth oriented, things that are positive. I do my best. It's not 100% foolproof, because every once in a while, something sneaks in even when you're curating your news, let me share with you what I what I like to do. So I choose my my sources of information. I because of the technologically advanced world that we live in today, it makes it easier than ever. Back in the day, you kind of had to just sit at the kitchen table or in the living room and whatever was on the news, whether it was on the on the on the news in the middle of the afternoon, if it was the five o'clock Evening News, the six o'clock evening news. Or, you know where I live now, it's a lot of news comes on in three o'clock in the afternoon, and then again, at nine o'clock at night, or 11 o'clock at night, wherever you are, you know what it was like when you're sitting in front of the TV? And even today, so many people that are doing that, I cut that out. I don't do it anymore. I'm either listening to my podcast that are feeding my mind around an area of expertise. I know so many of you know I and I really, really enjoy business building. I enjoy financial numbers. I enjoy leadership. I enjoy things that are related to health, mental and physical health, so I active. I proactively look for those sources of viable information to bring into my world that I can schedule that comes into my world the times that I want it. I'm very careful about the books that I read. The books that I read are usually highly recommended from someone that I trust implicitly and or groups that I am a part of where there is recommended reading, and that can take the form of a book, it can take the form of an article, a form of a PDF, whatever the case may be, but I'm proactively looking for the information that is going into my brain that is what's what's absolutely important, because I choose my sources, and I proactively schedule those sources to come into my brain, and you know what? And I like to share, just like I do here on the podcast, I share specific episodes. I want you to be able to go back, because if it's something that you're looking for, that can help to feed your brain positively, that will help you to grow and move in the direction that you want to do. I want to be a part of that, to help you to be able to move in the positive direction, which is also one of the reasons that I'm revealing to you why I'm tired of watching the news. Because I don't want to be passive in the information that's coming into my brain. I want to want to be able to go out and curate what it is and do it in a proactive manner, because at the end of the day you will fall into this. It's easy to fall into the trap of, hey, I've got to stay on top of the news every day, all day. Well, you can stay informed, but you don't have to stay on top of the news. You can inform yourself around those areas that are going to help you grow, help others grow, and be able to curate it and pro and do it in a proactive way, because see, at the end of the day, even if it feels a little bit uncomfortable in the beginning, and it did for me, because you feel like you're missing what's happening in the news, in world events. The question is, do all of those world events affect your day to day life, the things that you want to do, the impact that you want to drive locally, globally, whatever the case may be, this is about you having control. The more control that you have about the information that comes into your mind, it allows you to then formulate new thoughts, new opinions
that are not diluted with a lot of negative news. It's just not good, right? And so I want you to know that you will go through a moment of discomfort, because you're not as informed as everybody else about the news. But you know what? When they want to ask you about your area of mastery and the value that you're bringing to other people, you stand at the top of the class, and I commend you for doing that. And so when it's all said and done right, you may be less informed about topics like I said, or about the news, but you are more informed about what is important to you and your loved ones and how you're adding value. And at the end of the day, it's okay with curating the inputs. It's what I do every single day to help what goes into my mind, and also it's going to help you. You will realize this over time, that it's also not only helping you to produce higher quality outputs, it's also helping you to maintain positive thoughts in your mind and positive outputs that you are sharing with other people. And that is the really revealing reason that I don't watch the news, that I'm tired of watching the news now, because I don't want the negativity in my mind. I want to be able to produce high quality outputs that are positive and positively thought provoking, that help you, that help me to grow in the way that we want to be able to grow. So I'm going to come down off the soapbox, because I want you to understand that it is fine to feel the way that. I'm just sharing with you. You don't have to watch the news every day. Stay informed. You don't have to watch the news. Curate, proactively, curate the information that comes into your mind. With a healthy mindset, a healthy outlook, you're going to make the right positive impact on others. So take today's episode. Share it with others. Share it with friends. Share it with family. Take the theory, go from theory to practical application of the knowledge, and also, just so you know, you're not the only one. That's what this is all about. So while you're sharing today's episode, you know what I'll be doing, I'll be right here. I'll be sharing and preparing for the next episode. So until then, go out and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Freedom. Today's episode is sponsored by Billy Keels advisory services. If you want to learn more about how to make your 99 optional, just go to make it Once again, that's make it
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