August 20, 2024

The Truth About How Self Sabotage Actually Kills Your Dreams

Billy shares the truth about how self sabotage holds you back from achieving your ultimate goals,, and how it is likely to be for the opposite reason than you think.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 448: The Truth About How Self Sabotage Actually Kills Your Dreams

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:13 - 01:21] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:21 - 11:12] Billy shares the paradoxical truth about how self sabotage holds you back from achieving your ultimate goals,, and how it is likely to be for the opposite reason than you think.
  • [11:12 - 12:58] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 448_Billy Keels

Thu, Aug 22, 2024 4:56PM • 14:43


podcast, self sabotage, successful, sabotaging, episodes, thought, knew, locked, success, lives, point, corporate, keels, share, realizing, billy, listen, launch, leadership, build


Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising,


the truth about how self sabotage actually kills your dreams is something that most people


don't even think about don't want to know, or deep down inside, you know that it's the thing that's been holding you back. Because most of our lives, we've been told that we don't do things because we're not going to be successful. We don't want to handle rejection, we don't want to handle the negative feelings that come along with not achieving something.


I'm here to tell you, and I'm going to share a story with you that that will show just the opposite, especially when you're a high performer, you're a high achiever, you've always tended to accomplish or go beyond the goals that you set for yourself. There is a very real thing


that many times. And this is what, like, I said, like, the truth about how self sabotage actually kills your dreams, but not for the reason that you think, not because you think you're going to be you're not going to be successful. Whatever success is measured, however you measure that, but just the opposite. And this is a thing that nobody talks about, and when you're feeling in a certain way, or you're feeling like you are an anomaly, I can tell you that it is a very real thing


to self sabotage, because you know that you're going to be successful. You know that you're going to achieve whatever it is that you set out to do


and and the only reason that I know that is because I personally went through it, and so I want to share this reality with you, and I want you to know that you're not alone if you're feeling this way, and also give you some things to think about in terms of why you need to continue to push through and stop sabotaging yourself, because there's amazing greatness that's waiting on the other side for you, and whether it's you or somebody that you know, maybe you can share the episode with somebody else, because they're going to benefit


from not continuing to sabotage themselves and actually get to the goal or go beyond the goal that they set for themselves. And so I think it's about, I think about


probably just short of turning 40 years old. This is around 2010 and I remember I just I'd started


being interested in the whole, this whole concept of real estate, or this whole concept of being able to build a business around the investments that I was making. And so one of the things that I was really enjoying is I started listening. I never even really heard of podcasts, but I went down the rabbit hole, and I started finding videos on YouTube, and listened to a number of different podcasts. And they was, these were all really around real estate. And what I started realizing was, like, this is really cool. Like I can sit here at my desk and listen, or I can go running along the beach and I can listen. And it just was a very easy way to not only consume content, but to start to build knowledge. And I had to take that theory and put it into practice and make it useful. But the whole point is, in around 2010 I remember thinking to myself, Oh my gosh, I really want to do a podcast at the same time. I'm a young executive in the enterprise software space, moving up the corporate ladder. And I thought, Wow, I'm going to do my investments. And at the same time, this is


kind of scary, because then people would actually hear me. They would know my voice, they would they would recognize my face, because I noticed that there was this cover art on all the podcasts and and because I was making so much money at my corporate job, I thought, there's no way that anybody, I can't ever let anybody do that. So initially,


that was with the thought, and then I started realizing, while there's these other possibilities with a podcast. And then eventually I started investing in real estate, and then I went out and hired a paid coach to help me understand. And one of the things that the coach told me was, hey, listen, you know, you need to create a thought leadership platform. And I thought, wow, this is really a great way, because I've spent the last couple of years consuming podcasts, taking that education, put it into action.


But here's the thing, even when I heard it from a paid coach, that this would be one of the best ways to connect with other people, to build thought leadership, to build my network, I was afraid to do it, because I thought, what if this is actually successful? My boss is going to see me. The people that I know are going to see me. I'm a young executive in this company. I want to move to the top of the ranks, and this is outside of what the normal chain of command I thought would would perceive as as acceptable. Like this is 1415, years ago, right? So this is a bit different time, but I was just petrified, but I thought about it in 2010 so I want you to keep that 2010 date in your mind, because 2010 is when I first started thinking about the possibility of having a podcast. And so my whole thing was, yeah, I wanted to have my own podcast. I wanted to have my my name out there. My thought.


Leadership platform, and quietly, I also wanted to have this ability to be able to say, I'm confident enough to launch a thought leadership platform, and I knew that I could help others like that's what I really wanted to be able to do.


But I had this fear. I was petrified, because I thought, what happens if other people see me? If other people see me, this is not going to be cool, because they're going to say, I'm not dedicated to my job, then I'm not focused, even though my results were just the opposite. There was this fear of what if, when my podcast is successful, because when you only know how to do things in one way, and you can consistently achieve results? I'm talking to you perfectionist. I'm talking to you a student. I'm talking to you


individual who's always overachieved against whatever objectives you or other people set against, set for you.


And the idea was, okay, well, this, this could happen, but I could potentially be seen. But then I also started realizing, like my paid coach, other people that I admired in the space that was in this investing space, they had their thought leadership platforms. They had massive networks that were expanded. They were also able to monetize these types of things they were doing across the podcast. And I thought, Wow, this would be really cool, and it's happening. I knew people that were actually doing it, so I knew that it was possible.


But inside, I was also scared, because I knew that I was also going to launch something that was successful,


and that being a podcast, but because it was going to be successful, because I was going to be visible, I was afraid, like I didn't want to do it. So remember when I said the truth about how self sabotage actually kills your dreams? This is just one of the first inklings of how that was happening, because I knew that I was going to put a plan together, and I'm going to tell you about the plan that I put together. But once that plan was being executed properly, I was going to now be out in front of other people, and that scared me. I knew I was going to be I was projecting into into the success. So what did I do? Remember the date? What was the date I talked to you about in the first thought of my thought leadership platform? You're probably saying it out loud already, but just in case, I'm going to share it with you now, 2010


so I want to move to 2020.


That's a decade later. There's this global phenomenon happening called the pandemic. Definitely don't want to go back to that moment in time. But one of the things that one of the things that happened is I knew at that point in time, it had been 10 years, I started having I thought about the thought about the platform. I knew that I wanted to I had some successes in corporate. I was moving up the ladder. I was in the top talent program. I'd close a very large eight figure deal 25 over $25 million I'd already managed $100 million business. And all of these accolades that were happening at the office, but I still had not launched my thought leadership platform. I not launched my podcast. So at the end of 2019 I said, this is the year that I'm going to do it. So I started in January. I recorded my very first podcast episode with my buddy Tyler Sheff.


So thank you also to Tyler if you're listening for being the very first guest of the of the going along podcast. And the thing is that was in January. I didn't do anything else until May, because once I recorded the first podcast episode, I got nervous. I was getting ready to go on a flight because I just won a trip, once again for overachieving in my corporate role. I was going to Hawaii. Got sidetracked. And then what happened was the global pandemic happened, and so we were locked down. And I thought, You know what? This is the last straw. And I remember it vividly in the place I used to live, where I looked at myself in the mirror. I literally looked at myself in the mirror and said, If you don't do your podcast now, if you don't launch it, you're never going to do it. And so on. All the negativity of being locked down and not doing things, being able to get out and travel, I recognized that this was the moment. This was my option. Was I going to continue to do what I'd done for the last decade, which was nothing and self sabotage because I knew I was going to be successful, or did I actually do it? So it was now or never. And then I finally locked down in no pun intended, but in my place, decided to it was the moment to launch the podcast. So recorded after that first episode, which was in January, then sat down, had a network of people that were great to be very first guests. Recorded 20 episodes. Knew that there were certain things that I was never going to do, so I hired somebody to help me with the standard operating procedures so we could map things out. Was able to build it, able to scale it. And then I invited every single guest. I posted the interviews I was doing, all this stuff in the beginning, so that I could eventually write out the standard operating procedures, and then brought on team members. And so that was like the actual plan that I went through to to get ready to what I was actually doing in the moment that I said, I'm sick of self sabotaging. It's time to get out there and put the thought put the thought leadership platform and name the going along podcast with yours truly, Billy keels


along the way. It wasn't very simple, right? Because you can imagine that at this point in time, we're going through the through the through the pandemic. So at the time, my family had to be very quiet. My boys had to be quiet, especially.


Actually, and in the house, and we'd already been locked down, and fortunately, we were living in the same building as everybody else that my that well, my ex wife, all of her family, lives in the same building, so everybody was there. So it was easy for them to be able to go and do that, but it was true that, like, they had to be really quiet while I was recording or go somewhere else. That put extra stress on the family, especially young kids at that point in time, they were running all over the place and and also that was the way that I decided that was my outlet, right? My outlet was building this podcast, finally going out doing that rather than doing other stuff. So it wasn't always easy, right? And at the same time, even though it's not easy, it was still something that was worthwhile. Because what I can tell you, is after sabotaging myself for the previous decade,


from 2010 when I had the first thought to all of the reasons why I couldn't getting distracted at work and having successes at work and traveling to Hawaii and getting on the promotion path, it was finally time to stop. And I can say that now, after having done the podcast over four years, almost 450 episodes at this point in time, and intentionally connecting with other people, building a global network, being able to affect hundreds of 1000s of lives around the globe and over, you know, 70, I think 6070, countries at this point in time. It's something that was definitely worthwhile achievement. But more importantly, what I've realized is that this is something that's helped me to also build a level of confidence in in in myself and my abilities, the ability to go out and impact others, be able to put my priorities over the corporate priorities, because that was the thing that was holding me back. I was like, corporate would not want me to do this, the corporate would not really want to see me out here doing my own thing. That was the thing that I was telling myself. So I'm telling you self sabotage is real. It will kill your dreams if you allow it. But once you recognize that there's something that's calling you, there's a reason that you are having the thoughts that you want to do, and don't let your fear of success, not your success of failure, but your fear of success. Don't let it allow you to sabotage the things that you know you can do, that you can go out, the lives that you can impact, because every day that you self sabotage, you're taking away the opportunity to go out and positively impact someone's life. Don't do that because, like I said, the truth about how self sabotage actually kills dreams. I'm telling you, it took me a decade to actually go out and test the concept. Once I tested the concept, I realized that, okay, I should like, can you imagine, in four years, there have been 450 episodes, almost, if I think about just the time, there would be over 1000 episodes, had I started before? I don't want to. I won't go that way, but just think about that. Could have doubled the amount of output and potentially quadrupled or 10 times the number of lives that were affected.


There's an opportunity cost to not acting and for fearing your success. I don't want that for you. I want you to hear this story, understand that it is a real thing, and there are others that have been there before you, and others that are willing to help you and give you guidance on how you can stop sabotaging yourself so that you can make the impact on the lives that you really want to impact, starting with your own, with your family, with your friends, and then those that will be attracted to you and the message that you have In the solution that you can provide them. So


it is real Self Sabotage, but it's not because you think you're going to fail. It's typically because you know you're going to be successful. I want you to continue to go out, be involved and work your process so that you can be the best version of yourself and impact the lives positively that you want to so


if you know somebody who's going through this, you see them sabotaging themselves because you know they're going to be successful. They know they're going to be successful, share today's episode with them. Get on the phone, talk to them, get get their point of view, understand what it is that they're what's what's holding them back, and maybe this podcast can be one of the things that helps them to move forward in a way that's going to help them get to the results that they're looking for. So while you do that, guess where I'm going to be. I'm going to be right here. I'm going to be preparing for the next episode. So until then, I want you to go out and make it a great day, and I want to thank you very, very much.




conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help. Just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising.



Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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