May 14, 2024

What You Need To Know If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Employer - Billy Keels

Billy takes a look at goals and ambitions in working life beyond making income, and how taking action to align your work life and the businesses you build to coincide with the kind of life experience that fits best with you will have positive impacts on you and those you serve in so many ways.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 420: What You Need To Know If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Employer


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )


In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:


  • [00:22 - 01:34] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:34 - 08:55] 



Find out how you can benefit from receiving help creating your life of freedom, wealth, and resilience, through Billy’s advisory program: 


Going Long Podcast Episode 420: What You Need To Know If You Get Caught Cheating On Your Employer


( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )


In today’s brand new SOLO episode, you’ll learn the following from Billy himself:


  • [00:22 - 01:34] Billy welcomes us to another brand-new solo episode.
  • [01:34 - 08:55] Billy shares the story of how he dealt with the issue of needing to come out and tell his employer about the fact he was working on a side hustle while working his day job, how you can approach the issue yourself, and why it doesn’t have to end up being a negative thing.
  • [08:55 - 09:55] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


How to leave a review for The Going Long Podcast:  


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Episode Transcript

Billy Keels  0:00  

Today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy, forward slash advising.

Speaker 1  0:10  

You're listening to the going long podcast, the number one podcast for the strategies, tactics and actions high wage earners need for living an intentionally designed life of wealth and resilience.

Billy Keels  0:24  

Welcome to the going off podcast, we're back once again to continue to help to educate you so you feel much more comfortable as well as confident in building the wealthy and resilient life that you're looking to build, and do that much faster. I'm your host, Billy keels, and I am super excited to welcome you back to another one of our very brief solo episodes. And before I do that, I also want to say thank you so much to each and every one of you that continues to share the podcast. Well, first of all, download the podcast, share it with your family and friends, and also continue to help to bring more people to the go along family. That's one of the things really, really appreciate and also helps keep the podcast in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally. So also, for those of you that are tagging us on LinkedIn on Instagram, really want to say thank you so much. And if you want to leave your honest written review and rating and you don't know how there's a nice little short video, all you need to do is click the link in the show notes. So also with that, for anyone who wants to see any of the over 410 episodes at this point, all you need to do is go to Billy forward slash podcast, you can check out the the video, the audio, the transcripts, everything will be there for you at Billy forward slash podcast. So today in this like reflection that I want to do, this is something that comes up frequently, frequently, frequently in in advisory calls that I'm having with advisory clients, but also to even in the calls up to that a lot of people were finding us through either LinkedIn or you clicking on the link that's here in the in the show notes cuz you want to talk about stuff. And it's this thing that I was like, he was so tough, because I was in the corporate, like limelight, I was on the front line, I was in leadership, I was, you know, helping the company to bring in, you know, millions of euros, sometimes 10s of millions of euros on an annual basis. And it's just one of these things that when you are someone who is in a high profile role you're earning, you know, you're one of these people that's earning 150 200 $300,000 a year, if not more, a lot of people who work with earning even more than that. It's one of these things that what's the best way to stay level, let me just tell you a little bit about what happened to me. So when I was in corporate, I was in corporate and I enjoyed what I was doing, I really enjoyed it. At a certain point, I thought that I loved it, I actually now realised that I liked it a lot. Because I was solving really big problems it was worth working with and sea level company or sea level organisations or within this sea level of very large multibillion euro revenue companies. And it was one of these things where, you know, I had so much energy and focus that was in my day job. And at the same time, I'd gotten a glimpse of what it was to have a side hustle. And this side hustle thing was something that I actually like. So I want to do it have more control over my time, it was at the same time, it was something that was like it started to get me a little bit distracted from what I was doing the day job. Like I said, I had a lot of energy, I felt my energy actually shifting from the day job that I thought I loved to the one that I actually liked a lot. And it started going to this thing, this side hustle for me at the time, it was real estate. And and when I started doing that started realising Wow, this thing that I actually am not making nearly as much money, it's starting to really take a lot of my time and energy and effort. And I also started to have some early success. And what I mean by that is, the early success is that I was started making the money that I was thinking that I was going to make and actually surpass that in a much shorter time span. Well, maybe let me let me break that down a little bit. So I was at a point where with real estate, I wanted to be able to generate a four figures what I said a four figure revenue, and wanted to be able to do that in five years. So 60 months. That was really what I thought I wanted to do, because I wanted the money. Everybody talks about money, right? But on the inside, what I really wanted was I wanted to just be able to have more control over my time. That's what I really wanted. Because I knew that if I had more control over my time, I could do the stuff that I wanted to do with the people that I love the most. And I know I've talked to a lot about that and I won't over talk about it but you know, missing my son's third birthday party that was a big deal for me and I realised that I needed to have an A wanted to have more control over my time. That came a bit later. So like one of the things that happened was as I started getting distracted from my 95 Because I was paying more attention to the side hustle, I started getting super nervous. Because everything that I had done up until this point, a lot of my identification was rolled up in my job, like, whether I was a manager, director moving into VP wanted to be an SVP wanted to be a general manager wanted to be the CEO. Like myself, identity was all wrapped up in that. And so I started, as I was getting more distracted by my side hustle that was actually giving me not as much revenue, but giving me more emotional fulfilment, and started helping me realise, like, wow, I can use a lot of these skills in my day job, and I'm actually building something on my own. But at the same time, like, I got scared, I got super scared, because what would my bosses think? If they found out? What would my colleagues say about me, if they found out, like, making a lot of money, you know, nice six figure healthy salary, great benefits, you know, the German luxury car, the wonderful insurance package all of this stuff, and I was gonna risk it to earn, like, a four figure. Side Hustle. So the thing is, is that was kind of going on inside of me, but I have this like, real proof of concept, and proof of concept as we use a lot in the in the software space. But I knew that these because at the time, I had tin doors, that we're producing income. So I was like, Oh, my gosh, this is real, like, I can actually do this.

Billy Keels  6:37  

But I'm scared. Because my bosses may find

Billy Keels  6:40  

out. And so I knew that I had to kind of like, I have this proof of concept. So I wanted to be able to move forward. And I said, Alright, look, I've got to sit down, I've got to stop, I've got to figure out, how can I do more of this plan? Like, how can I do more of this doors hack? How can I get more of them, because if I can get more of them than I'll actually get to a point where I'll be beyond the four figures, maybe five figures, maybe six figures a month, my brain started working, like what can I do, but at the same time, I was like, ah, but if everybody finds out, I'm gonna put my six figure salary on on in jeopardy, I'm gonna maybe lose that nice German luxury car, I may lose some of the benefits, because I'll be out on the street. So I sat down, and figured out how can I multiply this because I only had 24 hours in a day I was working, you know, 1214 hours a day. And, and at the same time, it was like, I've got to be able to multiply. So I started figuring out like, what can I do? How do I multiply my time? How can I make sure that while I'm still performing my job, because that was super important. That was a lot of the fear that was driven from like, I don't want anybody that think that I'm not doing my job. It also slowed me down. But I had to figure out how to put infrastructure in place, make sure that the right resources, were there meaning capital, also find the right people that were also a part of the vision helped me increase my revenue. I also realised that at that point in time, taxes were something that was a huge deal, because I was paying, like enormous amount of taxes. So I had to figure out how to also not just make more money, but keep more money. And, you know, I got to a certain point, and I did actually get questioned in my corporate job. Like, there was this thing that I got cheating. I was cheating on my corporate job. And the question came in, like, Well, are you are you working here? Are you doing what you're supposed to be doing? And so fortunately, I was achieving against my targets. I was overachieving, because my target, but I dare to put myself out there, I started putting myself on social media, I started putting myself on LinkedIn, I was all over the place. Because I'd gone I just kind of quietly started in Facebook and was doing some personal posts. And then little by little, I started letting people know what I was doing. Because I wanted people to know, because I wanted to be able to serve other people. And so as I did more and more of that, I put myself out there and I did get caught, right? I got caught. I got caught cheating on my employer. Because I had a side house. Right, I had a side thing. And so what I can tell you is when the question came up, fortunately, I was doing my job because that was one of the things that was always really important to be ahead of whatever the company said, that I was supposed to be doing. And then when the questions were asked, well, it was pretty clear, like Yeah, I was doing something on the side, but it in no way was impacting my ability to achieve or over achieve against the targets that the company set for me. So I was felt that I was doing what I needed to do but what I realised later in this was the thing that was after getting questioned after getting caught by my employer was I realised that my confidence had increased because not only was I able to perform in my day job, I was also able to use a lot of the skills that I had to start to leverage this little thing that was filling my heart and energising me and I started to fall in love. With my side hustle, it was giving me more and more energy. And it helped me to also be able to move forward of serving more people. And it also, while I was doing this, and I was putting myself out there, I was able to test a lot of the ideas and test and get feedback directly from the marketplace that people that I wanted to serve, like, Was it something that I could do more of? Was it something that I needed to adjust it, I needed to change it, I needed to make a better offering. And so that's what motivated me to continue to look to grow beyond my nine to five. And so the reason that I share this with you is okay, well, what's the worst that could happen if you do get caught, like I got caught? With my side gig with my side hustle. And so the fear is real, because I lived it. And so if you feel like you're going through that, well just recognise what's happening? Do a check in with yourself, are you performing in your job? Are you performing in your role? If you are, well, then what's to stop you from continuing to do that, and I know every culture is different, and every company is different. And like I worked in a very high stress, highly paid, highly regarded and recognised type of role and company. And so I get it. And at the same time, when you are performing in your company, and you have the opportunity or the desire to build something for yourself, and you need that guidance, and you need that help. It's available to you don't do like I did for many years before I actually went out and I got somebody to help me someone from the outside someone who was not attached to my, my, my family was not attached to my work, and gave me a very high touch experience. That's what I needed. I didn't want to wait for groups to get my questions answered. I wanted my question answered in the moment that I wanted, it answered, and helped me feel like,

Billy Keels  12:01  

okay, getting caught was worth it. And so, if

Billy Keels  12:08  

you struggle with this, if this is one of the things that you have gone through, you're not the only one. But just realise there's some really easy steps, it's to make sure that you are performing in your role in your day job to minimise the risk of you having to do anything else or you know, your number gets called one day in your company. And then at that point in time, you've got to look for something else. I mean, I've even had one of the one of the episodes recently I talked about that, actually in Episode 419. Like if you ever get sacked from a cushy job, what will you do? But anyway, so So not to not to digress, but you you are you are not alone. I've been there. I know what you're going through how you're feeling. And hopefully you can listen to this again, or share this with family share this with friends, or maybe you know somebody who's going through it.

Billy Keels  13:00  

You don't have to do it alone. You really don't. Kind of sucks going through it alone.

Billy Keels  13:07  

You can talk to people you can get ideas like this, hopefully gives you an idea like I got caught red handed. And it's okay, I'm okay. You will be okay. So I think I'm gonna leave it there. But for those of you who want to yeah, like I said, share this episode with family friends with others and, and talk about it like Don't be going through this stuff by yourself. All right, so while you're sharing the episode, taking the theory putting into practice talking about it, I'll be here preparing for the next very brief solo episode. And so until then go out and make it a great day. And thank you very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory programme. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy forward slash advising once again, that's Billy forward slash advising

Transcribed by

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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