September 26, 2024

The Most Frustrating Way to Kill Your Dreams Now

Billy shares the truth behind the absolute dream-killer for high-paid executives who are running a side business.
Billy Keels
CEO and Founder FGCP

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Going Long Podcast Episode 459: The Most Frustrating Way to Kill Your Dreams Now

( To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE. )

In today’s solo episode of The Going Long Podcast, you’ll learn the following:


  • [00:17 - 01:12] Introduction to the show.
  • [01:12 - 09:05] Billy shares the truth behind the absolute dream-killer for high-paid executives who are running a side business.
  • [09:05 - 10:00] Billy wraps up the show.


To see the Video Version of today’s conversation just CLICK HERE.


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Episode Transcript

Going Long Podcast_SOLO Episode 459_Billy Keels

Thu, Sep 26, 2024 4:58PM • 10:01


dreams, episode, best intentions, listening, consistently, corporate, idea, kill, conversations, frustrating, imposter syndrome, understand, day, keels, billy, calls, goals, accountability partner, reason, innovative


Billy Keels

Billy Keels  00:01

The most frustrating way to kill your dreams. Now today's conversation is sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you want to learn more about how to make your nine to five optional, just go to Billy Forward slash advising. Once again, that's Billy Forward slash advising, the most frustrating way to kill your dreams now, without a doubt, is not the thing that you're thinking about, which is why I'm going to spend some time talking to you about the most frustrating way to kill your dreams now. And without a doubt, I'm going to draw today. This is going to be a really brief, brief, brief, brief episode. Is the idea so whether you're running on the treadmill or you are, I don't know. Today you may be somewhere else but, but I really want to talk about something that I'm hearing very frequently in calls that I'm having with mid six figure and seven figure executives that are also building your side business. The reason I'm sharing this today is because by the time you're you hear this at the end, you're going to understand you're not alone, and that's what I want you to realize you're not alone. This is part of a a syndrome and a process. You understand what I mean by that when I say here in just a couple minutes. So keep in mind, right? Having conversations consistently with mid six figure and seven figure executives, you're one of them. You're listening, you're in your car, you're driving. But one of the things that comes up over and over and over. This is the complete dream killer. You know you are wanting to be able to continue to overachieve in your goals at the office, and you continue to do that, and you've got your plans in place to do that. And most importantly, what you want to be able to do is really say, Okay, well, yeah, aside from overachieving, you want to be able to do what you want to do with whom you want to do with whom you want to do it. You want to be known as that person that says, hey, look, I say I'm going to do this, and you actually do it. Love that I'm that person, right? That's why we get along. That's why you continue to be here, right? You're still listening. I know you are, because we're early on in the episode, but see, here's the thing, and this is one of the things that I've talked about before, there's going to come a certain point in your journey, which is why you're listening here, that you know that you're getting these signs. There's something that's not working like it used to at corporate. It's not giving you the same feeling. I actually gave you five surefire signs that that it's time for you to find your your side business. Go to episode 437, 437 Yes, I did say 437 and that is going to tell you, if you've got any of these signs you need to keep listening to the episode or jump back to this one. So you're going to get to a certain point where you've got these ideas. You You're now talking you're now listening to yourself. You're listening to this podcast. Things are resonating in a way that they didn't before. And let's say, maybe inside you have this idea and you're thinking to yourself, well, now what do I do? Right? Because you don't really know what to do. Don't worry. Got you covered. You know why I did a whole episode on this 442, just go to episode 442, and you're going to find out when you have an idea and you're thinking to yourself, now what? Check out the episode. It's going to give you a path to get you to the next step. But let's say you figured it out, right? And this is part of the conversations I have, and these are some of the I like. These are just some of the conversations, just to let you know. So when I'm speaking to these mid six figure and seven figure executives, there's usually a reason or there's a story, right? And maybe you love media, and you've got this great idea, because you've got this creative genius, this creative flow, and you want to start a media company. Well, you kind of doing it on the side, and you're working your big tech job during the day, and you're making a lot of money, and you're on these important calls, but secretly, you got this little dream to build this little media company, or maybe you're really into, like some other people I've spoken to, like you're really into these innovative games, and when you leave the office, you really like going back, and you like playing the video games, but you like creating the games, and you've got this innovative flair within you to be able to do that, and you you have the technical skills, and you've Got the network, and that's, that's your secret, that you're, you're, you're not really telling a lot of people, but you've told me. And there's the classic, right? And this happens very frequently. Hey, I want to continue to invest in real estate. I want to buy my first single family property. I want to buy my third, and it's, you like the structure, and now you realizing that you like the scale. And the idea is, because you have these dreams and you've started to take either action, or you're still formulating the idea to be able to take action, you still doubt yourself, right? But then you look out and you see all these people like you're watching. You're saying, Okay, well, there's another person who's actually left their job. They left their job because they wanted to, not because they were part of these big layoffs that are happening all over the place, especially if you're in a tech company. You know what I'm talking about. Here's the thing, when you're watching others do it and you're still not in a point where you can, I know it's easy to have this whole imposter syndrome creep in because other people are saying they're doing it, and you want to be able to do it, but you're not. Like, if you want to eliminate imposter syndrome, literally, go listen to episode 450 450, it's going to give you, step by step, what you do to eliminate that, get rid of it. And I've got a whole different feeling on that. I may do a complete different episode on imposter syndrome, because, well, let me do the episode, and then you'll understand where my current thoughts are on imposter syndrome. But go check out for episode 450 if you want some help. Some help with it anyway. So you're watching others, and you've got the best intentions to be able to emulate or mark your own path. But guess what? Corporate life gets in the way the corporate machine is built that big and strong and robustly for a reason, because it needs you to get stuff done, a lot of stuff. And so with the best intentions of the world, if you don't have the systems in place or recognize where your pockets of time are that you are able to leverage, or you're not as crystal clear on why you need to do what you want to do, if you're having problems with any of these things, go listen to the previous episode, 458, check it out. But listen when you don't have the systems in place, this is the thing that happens, because this is the most frustrating part, and why it's killing your dreams, because the best intentions with no systems and life and corporate getting in the way, you start to get inconsistent. You do it for a couple days, then you stop, because you've got to turn in this big assignment. You've got to be on 50 calls, you've got to fly across country so that you can be in this really important meeting to present this multi million dollar package to your massive client who's going to help you overachieve and send you to the Mediterranean or to Hawaii or to Latin America, wherever the case may be, but the lack of consistency is the thing that's killing, killing, killing, killing your dreams. And I know it's frustrating. I've been there, not saying I haven't, and that can that's in corporate life, and that can be outside of corporate life, if you're not consistent, it is the biggest thing that causes frustration, because you're killing your dreams, because you're not consistently taking action, action towards the goal, the priority that you've set for your life or your family. And it's frustrating. And it's in your control, completely in your control. And the thing is, is when you want to think about consistency, like even if I think about the podcast, we've now almost at 460 episodes, and for the last four years, if you go back two episodes a week or four years, you will see the episodes, right? We're almost on that. We're only just going to be on the four years. But like I said, 460 episodes. You do the math. Fact, check it. Check it out. But here's the thing you may not get to, and this happens to a lot of people, because when life gets in the way, when corporate machine gets in the way, and it sidetracks you, you don't get to your goals. You don't get to your dreams. And that's the frustrating part. You may even be on the cusp of letting that frustration kill your dream. Don't do it. Don't do it. Trust me. Keep fighting a little bit more, a little bit more, little bit more. Get out there. You can do it because, see, the thing is, is once you realize, even if it does take you a little bit more time, and you start to feel that you're moving forward that no one's going to take away your dream. No one's going to kill that dream. Because you've, you're, you're putting in the work. You're consistently taking action, consistently taking action. And if you fall off a day, it's okay. Get out the next day. Don't let it be two. It's real hard to come back from three, almost impossible to come back from four. If you need help, reach out to somebody, get an accountability partner. It's the best thing you can do, because if you fall once, well, that's okay, knock yourself off, get back on the horse or the car or whatever it is, but don't let inconsistency kill your dreams. Take a little bit more time, but just keep working at it. I'm here for you. If you feel like you're, you're, you're in it alone, you're not stay here. Don't, don't go anywhere. You know, consistently you're going to be able to count on us. We'll be here for you. I'm here for you two days a week, and we're here for you. And that's the bell. Got to get ready and run. And while you are taking in this episode, I'll be here preparing for the next one. So until then, go ahead and make it a great day. And thank you very, very much. Today's conversation was sponsored by the Billy keels advisory program. If you're looking to make your nine to five optional and need some help, just go to Billy Forward slash advising, once again, that's Billy keels. Calm. Forward slash, advising, you.

Billy Keels
Strategic Advisor, Entrepreneur, and Investor
Billy is on a mission to share a roadmap and opportunities with other extremely busy, high-performing professionals on how to find freedom and live the life they desire. Listen in to learn how!
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